Browsing: Innovation
Topline Almost a dozen tuberculosis cases were traced back to a northern California casino between 2018 and 2023, as a…
The emergence of Generative AI presents corporate boards of directors with a present-day challenge. Will Generative AI disrupt companies and…
Over the last century, IBM also known as International Business Machines ushered in an era of productive, practical and most…
Most modern epidemics have been caused by pathogens that spread from animals to humans. These zoonotic diseases are predicted to…
For centuries, Black Americans have faced a myriad of systemic barriers, limiting their opportunities to own property, obtain quality education,…
Companies are constantly seeking new ways to innovate and grow. While emerging technologies have undoubtedly been a driving force behind…
Not all Broadway songwriters will be in the money next year. Starting in January, the music streaming platform Spotify will…
Koray Köse is a supply chain expert, tech futurist, author, former Gartner analyst, and now Chief Industry Officer at Everstream…
A new paper published in the International Journal of Behavioral Development offers compelling insight into the long-term impact of early…
Covid-19 shone a harsh light on global health inequities. Africa was last in the queue for all the lifesaving tools…